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[2017] H12-311-ENU HCNA-WLAN Certification Study Guide |Killtest

HCNA-WLAN - Wireless Local Area Network, additionally renowned as H12-311-ENU exam, is a Huawei certification. Every IT establishment likes these types of IT engineer. So, IT engineers who have endorsed H12-311-ENU newly written exam investigation and undergo got H12-311-ENU HCNA-WLAN Certification Study Guide, will get other improvement and raising-salary chances.

Keeping in view the demands of the candidates for H12-311-ENU exam, some study materials providers like Killtest has devised to the point H12-311-ENU Questions Answers known as H12-311-ENU exam questions. Killtest H12-311-ENU HCNA-WLAN Certification Study Guide are highly useful in your preparation for H12-311-ENU HCNA-WLAN - Wireless Local Area Network exam. Killtest Huawei H12-311-ENU study guide is a perfect and proven way to get success in any Huawei H12-311-ENU HCNA-WLAN - Wireless Local Area Network certification exam. H12-311-ENU HCNA-WLAN Certification Study Guide for Huawei certification are easily available on the internet. Now you need not hanker after the study materials in the market.

Huawei H12-311-ENU HCNA-WLAN - Wireless Local Area Network Training Materials 2017

Which of the following is wireless LAN standards originally formulated by IEEE()?

A.IEEE 802.11
B.IEEE 802.10
C.IEEE 802.12
D.IEEE 802.16
Answer: A

Which of the following AP mode does not belong to WDS network()?
A.Root AP
B.Middle AP
C.Bridge AP
D.Leaf AP
Answer: C

According to the different parameters of the control signal, what can be divided into by modulation mode()?
(Select 3 Answers)
Answer: A B C

Which channels are not overlapped with each other in 802.11b protocol()?
(Select 3 Answers)
Answer: A C D

Which of the following standard is set by WiFi Alliance()?
(Select 2 Answers)
Answer: B C

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